Linear equalization methods such as cosine equalizer and high pass filter are very popular in the traditional system. 传统光存储系统常采用余弦均衡、高通均衡等线性均衡方法。
The analysis ano application of the cosine equalizer 余弦校正电路分析与应用
This article provides an analysis The Working theory of Cosine equalizer And an Actual application Circuit. 对余弦校正电路的工作原理进行分析,并提出实际应用电路。
It is found that selecting appropriate value of duty cycles of Gauss light pulse signal, frequency chirp and the roll-off factor of raised cosine pulse signal produced by the equalizer of an optical receiver can improve the sensitivity of the optical receiver. 发现适当选取高斯光脉冲信号的占空比、啁啾分量、光接收机均衡滤波器输出的升余弦频谱波形滚降因子的值可以提高光接收机灵敏度;